1. Improve Your Presentations and Meetings

Getting late to a meeting? No problem! Carrying an iPad around with you means that you can easily make video conference calls and communicate with your colleagues, bosses, and employees while on the road. If you didn’t have enough time to prepare a good presentation, then the great Keynote app for iOS will allow you to quickly create one and instantly project it on a big screen.

Some people believe that apps for smartphones and tablets are a way to waste some time and relieve stress. However, there are also many appsthat can serve a more sophisticated purpose. The business-friendly apps available for the iPad will give you the ability to constantly track stock price changes, receive real-time news and updates, as well as stay up to date with the latest changes in your business’ sector.

3. The Ability to Work & Travel

Still haven’t prepared those important documents? By bringing along an iPad you can work while traveling, so you’ll have even more time to apply the finishing touches to your presentations, documents, and other work-related stuff. The portable, powerful, and user-friendly iPad will give you the performance and battery life you need to get the job done in time. If you are not having an iPad & trying to get one within limited budget at your doorstep then you can go for iPad rental services available online to rent an iPad anytime you need to add extra performance to your next presentation.

4. Great Support by Apple

Apple recently announced the special “Joint Venture” program whose goal is to help small business owners learn how to use the iPad’s full capabilities. Thanks to this tutoring program, you and your employees will be taught how to set up your tablet and work with it. Naturally, you can also rely on Apple’s support team to assist you if you ever run into any troubles with your tablet.

5. Unlimited Information

The iPad has all the information you need to get familiar with the most recent news, or to keep track of everything that happens in the business meeting. You can access the web to see the latest news, browse quotes, use the sound recorder to record the most important parts of the meeting, and even take notes via the handy apps available for this exact purpose.

6. An Inexpensive Cash Register

If you regularly deal with credit card transactions, then the iPad will make your life a lot easier! Thanks to the Square app you can quickly keep track of the latest purchases, generate digital receipts, manage your inventory, track statistics and much more! This is definitely a must-have iPad app for every small business owner with an iPad.

7. A Portable & Flexible Sales Brochure

Why carry a fat stack of paper, when you can save all your important information in a digital format? Instead of bringing all these documents to your meeting, just bring your thin iPad and use it to quickly show off all of your latest ideas, regardless if we are talking about promotional materials, documents, contracts or other work-related files.

8. Use the Files on Your Computer

It’s pretty common for businessmen to forget some important file saved on their home or office computer. Thankfully, you can count on the iPad to help you avoid these disturbing situations. Just make sure to backup all your work files to a cloud-storage service, and you’ll be able to easily access them through your iPad.

9. Enjoy an External Monitor

Your display area isn’t enough to meet your needs? With a little bit of creativity you can quickly turn your iPad into an additional monitor for your computer. Just download the DisplayLink App and set it up according to your preferences. Now all you need to do is find a neat way to position your iPad, so that it will be in a convenient spot.

10. Check Your Business Conversations

Meaningless if we are talking about e-mails, Skype conversations or other types of instant messaging, we won’t be exaggerating if we say that the iPad is the most useful device when it comes to online communication. Thanks to the wide range of apps available for the device you can quickly contact colleagues, associates and employees from absolutely anywhere.

11. Track & Fix Your Schedule

If you often happen to forget a meeting, then the iPad can definitely help you a lot! There are many time management applications available for iOS, so you’ll be able to quickly download, plan your schedule ahead and receive notifications for every important event that is planned for the day. The best part is that most apps allow you to sync your schedule between several devices, so you’ll always be able to see when & where your next appointment is taking place.

12. Social Media Management

Big enterprises hire entire teams to manage social media pages, but small business owners don’t have the funding needed to hire so many specialists. This means that usually their employees are the ones responsible for the company’s social media profiles and promotions. This is where the iPad can be very helpful – by having an iPad you’ll be able to quickly access all of your business’ social media profiles, post updates, announce promotions, special offers, new products and more.