The difference between successful startups and unsuccessful startups is that the latter isn’t able to leverage the potential of the various technologies they are using. Let’s take a look at 3 technologies that should be an integral part of your online marketing arsenal:

A Mobile Ready Website

An increasing number of digital users are using their mobile phones to consume digital media. This means, a large percentage of your target audience will access your website from their mobile phones. Will your website be able to render effectively on devices of any size or screen resolution? Because if not, you’re in trouble. When you create a website, you must think from the perspective of its mobile audience as well. The best way to make a mobile ready website is to go the responsive design route, which resizes the website depending on the size of the device on which it’s being viewed. While a desktop website is an important online marketing tool, its reach is limited today. A mobile ready website is an absolute must-have.


Have you faced a scenario wherein, you visit a particular website and its ads follow you across other sites, long after you’ve actually left that site? This is called remarketing and most online users have experienced this feature. As a business, it’s your job to ensure you keep following up on potential customers that have shown interest in your product or service. One of the better tools that can help with this is Google AdWords Remarketing. But, here’s an in-depth list of available tools and their comparisons if you want to try something else.

Social Media Platforms

It’s impossible to think about online marketing without social media popping up. And while everyone might doing it, not everyone is making the most of their platforms. The problem is there are plenty of businesses out there that aren’t able to use social media well.

(Source: Smart Insights) Now, if you a take a look at this figure you will realize that Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are some of the top ranked social media platforms based on the number of active users. But, is this the right parameter to go by while choosing your preferred platform to market your business? The answer is no. You need to pick a platform that you know is being used extensively by your target audience and then make the most of it. The key is to not spread your brand presence too thin across numerous social networks. Pick a few and leverage their potential to the hilt.

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