All you have is an idea, perhaps a prototype, maybe a place to work from, and a dream. Whether you can actually afford to pay them now or require them to work on a contingency, or freelancer, basis is not as important as finding ways to reach top talent. Here are a few tips that might get you started on the path to finding the most creative employees ever.
Write Weirdly Worded Job Advertisements
One of the best examples of weirdly worded job advertisements is going to come from a tech giant that you would expect to be at the head of the class, Google. Currently the tech giant has its hands on driverless cars. What are they advertising for? Drivers to not drive. Odd as it may sound, Google needs drivers to test ‘drive’ their driverless cars in key areas. Although they do say that anyone hired would need to relocate to the company headquarters, they don’t actually say what markets they require these non-drivers to work in. It’s ingenious, really. Who wouldn’t like a job in which they didn’t have to actually do the work? All they are required to do is sit there and take the helm if a problem should occur while out on the road. What a great way to get on with Google. Although not a startup by any stretch of the imagination, they are a company to follow if you are looking for innovative ideas.
Network on a Number of Levels
While you could always network with other professionals within your industry, chances are if they spot a job applicant with lots of talent they will snatch him/her up. However, you might be surprised to learn that many of these professionals are eager to step out into the unknown and may be more than willing to jump on board with your startup. If you already have a few employees, network with them to get a list of potentially qualified applicants. Did you also know that Business Angels is more than a site to find financiers? Many of those willing to fund a new startup may even be looking to work there as well. The point is, CEOs seeking employees should keep eyes and ears open whenever they engage with anyone on any level. You never know where your next best employee will show up unannounced.
Consider Hiring a Professional Recruitment Firm
Another effective way to find employees is through a professional recruitment firm. These professionals know how and where to reach the top talent in your industry. From job fairs to online recruiting sites, they know how to market your startup to be appealing. They are professionals in marketing, believe it or not, and many have never worked a day in HR – ever! So you see, there are innovative ways to find the recruits you need and it’s all about marketing. Find something to say that is vastly unlike the usual job advertisement and you will have a captive audience. That is the way you interest them. When you meet with them, it’s time to put your sales ability to work. Finding employees as a startup may take a bit more work than would be the case with an established company with a stable financial background, but with the right techniques, you can interest talented workers ready to sign on with a company that has nowhere to go but up. Image: WOCinTech