Do Your Homework

You likely have not left your undergraduate institution without hearing at least once that you should do your research before applying for a job opportunity. It may seem obvious, but too many candidates have a beautiful resume and a boatload of experience but fail at giving the time and attention to the organization and role for which they are applying. Show your potential employer that you care and understand what they are trying to build and how you can best fit that unique role. For example, my best developers shared how they would solve some of my current companies’ technical problems with wireframes and prototypes. Taking the time and initiative in showing how their unique skill sets and experience could be utilized at my company made them stand out from the other candidates. If you do not fully understand the role or specific responsibilities from the job description, do your homework. Find individuals connected to the company or founders and ask them those questions. If you are being actively recruited, ask the recruiter questions specific to the role and company so you can go into the first step of the hiring process fully understanding your potential position. It is not enough to understand the company and its mission: Showcase how you can strategically and uniquely benefit the business as a hire.

Ask the Right Questions at the Right Time

Recently, I didn’t hire a candidate because their second question in their first interview with my company was “How would you describe work/life balance for this position?” When I was interviewing for my first job, I made sure never to ask about vacation days or salary in my initial interviews. Wait until after you receive an offer and negotiate all you want. Some of the best questions an entrepreneur can hear deal with getting to the root problems we are trying to solve by filling the open position. Showing you care about the work you will be doing at the company and the ways in which you can add value will set you apart from the other candidates.

Show You Work With Diligence and Excellence

In everything you do, do it with diligence and excellence. Ensure that your cover letter is free of typos and tailored to the specific position. If you need to include portfolio work or a writing sample, make sure it is your best work. Do everything well and follow every direction. If an application packet is missing any item requested, they are usually looked over. Don’t let these simple mistakes prevent you from your dream job. As a startup founder, it’s your job to ask the right questions and follow your intuition when you hear answers or receive questions out of line with your company ethos or culture. The candidate may have the best resume and the most experience, but if they don’t fit in with your culture or understand your vision, no one will be happy. If this next step doesn’t land you your dream job but is a place where you think you can learn or grow, give nothing less than your best in the interview process. Landing this job may be the critical step you need to reach your destination. Rea more about interview tips at TechCo