A Toy Rather Than a Useful Device
Probably the biggest reason for the failure of 3D printing to catch on is that consumers have looked upon the technology as a cool device that could be used for fun. This past Christmas, for example, toy catalogues featured a simple 3D printer that kids could use to print models of the Eiffel Tower, the Capitol building or the White House, etc. and order additional blueprints for other models. These models are made of a durable plastic, which is the most common material available for home printing. To be sure, there have been many 3D printers under Christmas trees for kids and adults alike, but very few owners have taken the device as a serious tool for supplying themselves with useful products. Why? Because consumers who want products will purchase them from stores, order them online, or, in the case of a product that can be printed, order from an online 3D printer service.
Is there a Future for Home 3D Printers?
Probably yes. But it will take time, and there are some hurdles to overcome. Right now, the consumer market for 3D printing is coming in the form of using online printing services that will print items as ordered. Thus, people can avoid the hassle and the mistakes of trying to print something at home, wasting time, money, and materials. Plus, these services offer a wider variety of materials than the typical plastic of a home device.
A More Promising Future in Manufacturing
Manufacturing is probably the most promising use for 3D printing in the short term. Commercially-designed printers allow the use of a number of different materials at the same time, and many companies are now employing design engineers to develop the software necessary to print components and parts. There are still hurdles to surmount in manufacturing too. Complex pieces, an iPhone for example, are still far beyond what the current 3D printing technology can offer. Currently, major uses are in the areas of prototyping, but actual manufacturing still utilizes traditional methods. Printing a thousand simple objects, one at a time, moreover, is probably less efficient than mass producing them in an assembly-line environment.
Nothing Remains Static
As the technology moves forward, however, there is every reason to believe that 3D printing will one day become the preferred method of manufacturing everything from cars to appliances to consumer gadgets. At that point, it may be more feasible for households to invest in their own printers. It’s exciting to think about the possibilities.