While there are a lot of software to help your customer service agents, sometimes the most basic, uncomplicated ways to engage with them are the only things you need. If you think you need to reach out to your customers more, here are some tips for you:

Keep Track of Your Social Media Accounts

Since people are always on their smartphones, tablets and laptops these days, monitoring your social media accounts everyday can be a great way to keep your customers feeling secured. When they know that you’re always online and keeping tabs of their concerns, they’ll feel more comfortable and less hesitant to voice out whatever concerns they have about your products and services. Social media is not only a tool which is amazing when communicating with friends and loved ones, it’s also an effective instrument to give your customers that sense of security when it comes to excellent customer service.

Hit Subscribe! Have Them Follow Your Email Newsletter

There’s nothing better than connecting with your customers to remind them of your business relationship through a regular delivery of emails. When your customers decide to subscribe to your daily or weekly newsletter, the possibilities are endless. Having them see your business potential and new services on their inboxes not only allows you to catch up, but it can also make them feel well-remembered and can make for a potential new business inquiry.

Keep Your Lines Open (Always)

Operating an online business means that your schedule must be round the clock and automatically should have a contact number for backend support. Should your customer calls and there’s no answer from your end, that will certainly make them unhappy. To avoid this, prompt yourself to organize a support team to cater to your customer’s needs anytime of the day. Chat messenger is also an option if you prefer it more than voice calls.

To keep your relationship with your customers solid and intact, never miss the opportunity to advertise your new offers and promos to them. This can be easily done through sharing portals like Facebook, Twitter or Emails. Customers also love receiving special discounts especially when the offer best suits a certain occasion or holiday. So make sure to take advantage of the yearly events that hit your calendar. You’ll never know how  much growth it can reward you along the way.

Feed Them with Good Vibes

Engaging with customers shouldn’t end after giving them resolutions to their concerns and inquiries, a good online entrepreneur should also extend one’s customer service relations through smart social media interaction. To do this, make sure you post one or two inspirational bits about anything under the sun that can help them feel good even just for a while. Your customers are always busy and likely stressed, so to keep them smiling is a good way to further advance your relationship with them.