When it comes to social media platforms, things can get confusing at times. With Twitter, Instagram and even Snapchat rolling out new features, marketers might not know where to turn. Facebook Live, however, offers way more than users give it credit for. This tool actually makes use of the natural appeal behind viral videos. Researches show that almost 33 percent of online activities revolve around videos and users are more likely to subscribe if the medium offers something worth watching. When it comes to Facebook, live videos usually rank better than any other form of content. To be precise, viewers usually spend three times the time on videos and the live ones get the most number of comments. Going live over Facebook can therefore be a great option to earn via adverts and other sources. Topics galore and live videos can surely take up things a notch higher when it comes to your marketing strategy. In this post, we will be listing five ways to leverage Facebook Live as a tool for marketing success and massive user engagement.

1. Stretch Out the Introduction

When it comes to Facebook Live, generous amounts of screen time can actually come in handy. While longer is certainly better on Facebook, it isn’t advisable to sit idle and gorge on seconds. Stretching out an introduction involves making users click on the notification tab and view the video. However, it shouldn’t be an unnecessary banter and must tread on the lines of creativity. Start by telling viewers a bit about yourself, in the form of an enticing teaser. Once more people sign in, repeat and telecast. Start the video with a question. Answer the same initially by introducing yourself and your goals for the concerned video. Greet people for joining and garner higher levels of interests. Lastly, give a sneak peek of the entire video in a line or two. This will help improve the excitement quotient and users will look to stick till the end. Moreover, never forget to ask for shares and likes, albeit indirectly.

2. Opt for a Q&A Session

One of the perks of live broadcasting is real-time interaction with the audience. Marketers are best served by an Q&A session, preferably at the end of the video. However, in that case, it is always good to inform the viewer— beforehand. Viewers can be asked to share their own stories and personal experiences as these will surely pull in more views and comments. Moreover, ask for the grey areas in their campaigns as users love sharing their issues and finding solutions to the same. Lastly, discuss ideas and ask for some regarding any upcoming video. Ask viewers about what they would like to see in the upcoming live sessions.

3. Try to Be Repetitive

For a creative person, being repetitive is a bane, but on Facebook Live this is exceedingly yielding. There are ample reasons as why a single thing needs to be repeated when it comes to live videos. Firstly, according to studies, users tend to remember facts if they are constantly bombarded with the same. This helps improve CTA and gives an idea as why the video is actually important. Moreover, in case of live streaming, people might join late or drop out mid-away into the conversation. Therefore, the gist of a video needs to be repeated when greater number of individuals join in, at any given instant.

4. Shout Outs Help

Offer special attention to some followers on your page — making them feel great. Anyone hoping for a shout-out will get more involved with the video and interact more in the comments section. Call names or dedicate the video to someone from your list — provided they offered the idea or requested the video topic.

5: Interact With Viewers in the Comment Section

While it is good to mention someone occasionally, the trick is to respond to comments and initiate a conversation. It can be either you who is responding or a team member replying on your behalf. Follow these tips to succeed in your marketing venture by boosting user engagement on Facebook Live.