The issue is that most website owners using WordPress do not change their default configuration. This sometimes leads to hackers and other frauds who are curious enough to find ways to log in through your admin area. And it’s relatively easy for hackers to enter your WordPress From there, hackers use forcibly test all the possible combinations in a quick span of time in order to hack your system. Here are five ways to help safeguard your WordPress site from hacking:

1. Delete the Username “Admin”

While creating a new WordPress Site, you will be provided with the default username by the name “admin”. Most of users are ignorant and choose tokeep using the same username without changing it. This creates a space for hackers to find usernames easily. Creating a new username for your personal use will help you stay away from harmful hacks. It is always advisable to delete any account with the username as admin. If you are the only user with the account name admin then you have an administrator level of access, it cannot be deleted unless you create a separate login unlike the existing administrator level account.

2. Avoid Using Easy Passwords

Do not use a password that is very easy to guess. Avoid using your personal information while framing a password. Do not use your name, date of birth, or even your website name. A complex combination of passwords, will save you from securing hackers. The best call for using strong passwords is the use of arbitrary arrangement of letters with a mix of numbers, uppercase, lowercase letters, and symbols. Use of password generators is also advisable.

3. Stay Updated

Keep your WordPress site up-to-date to stay away from the hackers’ sight. Any part of your WordPress site left oudated might incur a high amount of  security risk. WordPress sites becomes vulnerable when plugins and files are outdated. Stay updated with the latest version of WordPress and installed plugins!

4. Consider Using Other Security Options

The company that hosts your website are sure to provide its own security options. You can prefer using those security add-ons to protect your WordPress site, that takes care of the basic security options. Some of the hosting companies provide many vouchers with discount codes, it is good to avoid those coupons, as you may not end up choosing the best one.

5. Back-Up of Your Website

You should be equipped to defend the attack anytime. The best approach to stay safe is to take a back-up of your website. Though you are furnished with good security protocols, a website backup is much recommended. Therefore, if you are under the influence of a hacker, you can start all over again, by restarting all the security protocols, change and improve all the passwords and also reload all the website information with no single loss of your data.