Surprisingly the generation that reported the highest levels were the Millennials, with Gen Xers a close second, and the main sources reported were money and work. With many entrepreneurs falling into these generation ranges, they’re going to have to learn how to manage stress levels to maintain a healthy life.

Dr. Indra Cidambi, Medical Director at the Center for Network Therapy, said that when a person is under stress, the body begins to release a larger than normal quantity of fight-or-flight chemicals such as cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline. Building a good stress management strategy starts with building a good support system, a positive approach to situations, and learning coping strategies to mitigate and manage these reactions properly and effectively. Cidambi suggests these seven strategies to help you manage stress:

Take Care of Your Body

You have one life and one body. Taking care of it can help you deal with everything from hectic schedules to poor sleep cycles.

Realize the Source

If you have an overachieving, high-strung, high-energy or intense personality, that alone can generate stress. Remember, managing the energy starts with you.

Find the Balance

Work-life balance is critical to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but when it gets out of whack, your stress is going to start taking over.

Strive for Control

Without a plan or a pathway, it’s easy to feel out of control at work and can add stress to our life.

Talk to a Friend

Sometimes letting it all out can help you deal with the stress. Whether it be a friend, family member or professional, talking it out can be healthy.

Exercise is Key

Doctors have been saying it for years, exercise and a good diet offer more stress relief than other techniques.

Sometimes You Have to Say No

It’s easy to jump in and help people around your office or in life, but if your stress levels are getting to high from helping everyone else, you might want to consider dialing it back and saying no. Read more about managing stress here on Tech.Co 

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