1. Decide What You Should Write About

For most new writers, it’s quite difficult to find a topic to write about, and this leads to a lot of wasted time and energy. The best advice: create a list of specific topics or just headlines on a Google Spreadsheet and approach each one of them one by one. Before you start writing, you better spend a few minutes on brainstorming, as this can save you a lot of time. If you just sit and think about what to write, you can never write. So, first find a specific topic in your favorite niche and begin working on it.

2. Never Stop Reading Good Stuff

Writing will require a lot of time every day but you must make sure to read as well because reading is extremely important as it brings you topic ideas which you can use in your own blogs and articles. Many writers don’t have time for reading or they feel they have already done enough work so they don’t need to read anymore. However, if they stop reading, sooner or later, there won’t be anything else to write.

3. Writer’s Block Doesn’t Exist

You must keep in mind that “writer’s block” is nothing but the flaw of your mind. A writer can’t stop writing, and if you really want to become a writer, the best way to do this is to write on constant basis. Certainly, sometimes, you find something difficult to write about but when you focus and force yourself, you can easily break that block. If you ever find yourself stuck, do something interesting and write about it.

4. Follow Self-Set Limitations

You need to follow some self-set limitations for blogging. For example, before you start writing, check out the time and remind yourself that you need to finish this post within the next 30 minutes. Limit word count to 800 words or whatever you find a suitable limit. These rules might seem a bit difficult in the beginning as you will have to write faster but soon you will realize that this technique is way more effective.

5. Find a Reason for Writing

You need to have a reason for your writing and it must be something that can take you to a wider road of improvement and success. If earning money is the only reason, you might get disappointed because you can’t just start earning millions from the first day of blogging. However, if you aim at improving your skills, you will read better stuff, do in-depth research, meet inspiring people – and all of these activities will soon help you earn whatever you want.

6. Be Realistic and Consistent

You need to be realistic about blogging because if you push yourself to create a publishing schedule that you can’t follow, this will make you disappointed. For example, if you schedule to publish six posts every week but you don’t really have time for this, you will not be able to achieve your target. Aim for something manageable and be consistent.

7. Maintain Focus on What You Do

It has also been observed that many writers finish their posts in two to four hours when they could do it within one. These all happen due to distractions. When you start writing, pay full attention and maintain your focus on what you are doing right now. If you can’t concentrate, play some good tunes especially the ones that you have already listened many times.

8. Be Useful and Helpful

Many new bloggers try to add value to the existing things but if you rather try to help people by letting them know the solution of their problems, they will admire you in a much better way. You can ask readers important questions and then give them the answers and in case you don’t have the answer, do your homework and find valid answers and publish them on your blog.

9. Use Available Resources

When you start blogging, you can choose one from a large number of available platforms, however, for many, WordPress is the best option. You can also use child or standard Genesis Framework if you are looking for responsive theme and solid Code and SEO Support. For SEO, Yoast SEO can be the best plugin. While on the other hand, you can also try WP Super Cache to make your site speedy.