Lead generation is a unique marketing mechanism solely focused on arousing interest in certified buyers for a specific service or product. This is done by compiling a list of names, contacts and any other useful information as a starting base from which individuals will be contacted and based on the feedback received, the company will be able to clearly distinguish its target market. This in turn will enable the company to take appropriate steps in building a strong foundation with its consumers. Bant.io starts by searching for information on prospective companies that would otherwise be difficult to find, in order to narrow down the focus on companies that are in sync with your customer profile. This is done by use of special software and other platforms such as social media to achieve the best results. They then focus on establishing a solid affiliation. Their experts in marketing come up with a standard email that will be sent to prospective customers at time intervals that offer the best results. The varied time intervals are put in place to ensure that the emails are viewed at peak intervals and that the prospect clients are aware of your existence in the market. Where genuine interest is shown, an acute response mechanism will stop generating the custom emails. Your inbox is then filled with numerous leads. After they have done the hard work, they then leave the easy part for you: to close the deal. All leads are forwarded to your sales team who then work on building B2B leads by being sincere about company information and informing the consumer on all the necessary information about the product or service. Bant.io will go the extra mile of compiling a list of all the leads they were able to come up with. This will ensure that there is transparency between the two parties and help in eliminating any mishaps. For any startup looking to make their start on B2B leads, Bant.io is definitely an option to look into.