The Report
Here’s the relevant overview paragraph from the new research report: The report, which you can read in its entirety, does into additional detail on the matter, noting that cities like San Francisco, New York City, or Boston have outpaced others, and tying this to the sluggish economic growth since the 2009 recession. The result:
The Response
“Delocation” is the buzzword that attempts to solve this issue: It’s a play on “relocation,” and it means exactly what you think it does. Startup Zapier recently published a blog post covering their commitment to delocation: As a one hundred percent remote team, they’ve decided to offer funds to new hires who are hoping to move away from the Bay area. Here’s the info: If you’ve been thinking about making a move, apply to any of the open roles. We’ll go through the hiring process together and if it seems like you like Zapier and you’ve demonstrated the necessary skills for us to make an offer, we’ll help set you up with the relocation package as part of it.”