This Miami, FL-based coding school doesn’t just want people to learn how to code. Wyncode is committed to churning out well-rounded individuals that can code and contribute to any startup that decides to hire them. For 10 weeks, students are immersed in the educational process in hopes of bolstering the already growing South Florida startup ecosystem. And that local edge is what makes Wyncode so special. While the Miami area is far from a tech hub, the growth in the region bodes well for a coding school so involved in the community. Wyncode relishes the chance to be part of a growing ecosystem, rather than tacking on their skill and expertise in an oversaturated market. Because then, they can make a real impact. Something about Wyncode’s business-focused model has struck a chord in the South Florida ecosystem, as they were winners of the 2016 Startup of the Year award in the area. Their community involvement, paired with their commitment to producing well-rounded coders, made the decision easy for voters and judges alike. And the folks at Wyncode were pretty excited about it too. As far as the future is concerned, Wyncode knows what they’re doing and they intend to keep it up. They aim to make student education the most important thing by continuing to provide the market-tested curriculum that is good for business on all fronts. Because if a coding school can produce well-rounded startup employees, who’s to say they won’t make Miami the next tech hub? Photo: Flickr / Andrew Eland