At the HubSpot INBOUND 2013 Conference in August, Frank got the opportunity to talk about celebration and how companies can use it as a tool to support you, your business, and your community. And when it comes to the core of company culture, doesn’t it all really boil down to people? According to Frank, celebration is all about acknowledging and sharing specific events in a company’s life – it’s an opportunity to recognize and praise moments, helping to improve the esteem (per Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs) of the people closely tied to your business. Acknowledging such moments or company successes contributes to the level of motivation that’s needed to support the path of momentum on which your company is currently moving. Whether it’s reaching sales goals, monthly birthday potlucks, new product launches, or accomplishments of new company initiatives, companies should constantly be finding ways to celebrate with both employees and customers as ways to develop a strong company culture and a supportive community. In the video below, Frank describes how to implement celebration into your business strategy, and how companies such as Uber, Zappos, and even Tech Cocktail, leverage celebrations to develop their company cultures and support their business growth. Frank Gruber is CEO & Co-founder of Tech Cocktail. He’s a really neato guy (I was not coerced to say this).

Frank Gruber to Startups  Celebrate or Die  HubSpot INBOUND Talk  - 45