Update, November 1 at 12 pm: Details for this event, including date and location, are still in the works. It may be combined with other hackathons already planned. Stay tuned for more information.  The New York City tech community is organizing a hackathon later this month that will focus on challenges related to Hurricane Sandy while raising money for relief efforts. The hackathon details are on NY Tech Responds, a blog created by Rob Underwood. “Sandy has now delivered a serious blow to our home city. We, the NY tech community, now must step up to help lead and drive the recovery. NYC has given us much, we now must give back,” he wrote. Organizations participating include Entrepreneur Week, New Work City, and the NY Tech Meetup. The NY Tech Meetup is helping to coordinate a variety of volunteer efforts, including coworking and hackathons. If you want to help out, they are still looking for resources such as introductions, advertising, swag, and refreshments. To sponsor, email Underwood (runderwood5@gmail.com) or Tony Bacigalupo (tony@nwo.co). To volunteer for the overall tech relief efforts in New York, sign up here. Image credit: The NY Times webcam.