But for workaholics, it can be hard to completely unplug and step away from the emails, meetings, and workload that still needs to be worked through. Here are some tips to help you get excited to unplug and relax away from your company email. Here’s how your vacation could be they key to staying productive in the workplace.
Schedule Smart
For those who have a full schedule, it could be beneficial to get a head start scheduling your vacation. Planning a few weeks or months in advance will not only help you avoid the last-minute rush or preparation, but will give you plenty of time to ease into the vacation. Most Americans don’t use all of their vacation days each year – leading to effects that could make it hard to succeed in the workplace. Taking a vacation, even if it’s just for a few days, allows to recharge and prepare to tackle new challenges.
Ease Your Routine
Before your vacation starts and after it ends are the two most vulnerable times for procrastination to kick in. Preparing for this can make a huge difference in ensuring you can enjoy your vacation to the fullest (and minimize post-vacation blues). Give yourself time before you go on vacation and when you come back to ease back into your work schedule. Instead of working right when you come back or rushing right before your vacation starts, take a few days prior to organize and make sure you’re ready to tackle the workplace challenges. Using these extra days can also help you avoid being frazzled and unprepared, and ensure that your work routine remains intact pre and post-vacation.
Be In The Moment
This tip may be the hardest to incorporate, especially if you have a job that requires constant connection. But on vacation, it’s important that you remain in the moment – that means unplugging, logging off, and restricting your time on work-related apps. Spending time doing physical activities that take you away from digital connections is necessary, not just for health reasons, but to ensure that your vacation is enjoyed to the fullest. Being in the moment also allows you to come back with a different perspective. If you’re struggling with a particular challenge at work, focusing on an unrelated task can help rejuvenate you to solving the issue in a new way. With these tips, you can enjoy your next vacation worry-free and with a recharged outlook. Image via Stocksnap.