TheSquareFoot, a commercial real estate startup in New York, decided to get to the bottom of this debate by asking New York workers how they feel about company culture at their jobs. The results? Company culture is just as important as everyone has been saying! It attracts talented and driven employees, it affects financial and worker performance, and it impacts the happiness of everyone working in the building. The survey revealed a number of other important aspects of company culture that can help founders and CEOs better understand their workforce. For example, it turns out free food is a big deal! 67 percent of employees with access to this popular perk said they were happy at their jobs, while 63 percent put the ability to telecommute as a likely reason they would choose one company over another. If you’re a brand new startup that hasn’t established your company culture quite yet, don’t worry! The survey showed that 72 percent of young startups are currently in two years leases. That means that your culture could still be a few months away from being established. In fact, 52 percent of young startups claim to be moving locations within the next six months. So pack up and get ready: company culture is on the way! Check out the infographic below to become more informed on the need for a focused company culture at your office.

Photo: Flickr / Payton Chung

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