There’s physical health and then there’s your mental health – building a company can take a toll on both in very serious ways.  Ask any entrepreneur who’s been through the “trough of sorrow” or had to wind down their startup. So for the month of June, we are devoting our series to the psychological aspects of starting and running a business with “The Psychological Guide to Starting Up.” We’ll spend the month…

Giving you tips on how to ready yourself before starting upTeaching you how to prepare loved ones and how to manage relationships throughoutOffering the most common pitfalls entrepreneurs fall into, and how you can avoid themAdvising on how to cope in the chance your startup doesn’t make it big

We hope you find the series helpful in your business and in life as many of the findings could be applied to your everyday. On a separate note, if you are interested in sponsoring an upcoming monthly series, please contact us today. We’ve been lining up some great topics for the coming months (e.g., company culture, public relations, funding, finding an office, cloud computing and several others), and we’re looking forward to bringing you some amazingly helpful content series. But this month, here is to a strong mind on your entrepreneurial journey.