Prior to being approached by Amazing and being featured on Launchpad, the initially launched Triby on their own with fewer features. Triby is a connected device designed for families to communicate both visually and through a VoIP system. In other words you can talk through the device by using the related app, and also get all the interactive features powered by Alexa. Calls can also be made between other Tribys. It also has a reminiscent feel of the now retired Chumby.

When Invoxia initially launched Triby, some dubbed it a smart kitchen magnet at this year’s CES, but it’s really a culmination of the innovative work that the company has been developing. From VoIP, to the high-quality speaker within, to it’s family friendly design and LCD screen for messages, it was a unique system with one primary flaw: a lack of integrations. We are now in the world of the Internet of Things, and if hardware – especially the kind that connects to WiFi – does not integrate with other parts of your home or office it’ll become more of a nuisance than a benefit. However, with the addition of Alexa you can now book an Uber, listen to your Spotify playlists, and even add items to your grocery list. In addition to the new integrations, voice commands were always a huge factor in what made Triby unique. Having received several awards at CES, Alexa only furthered the feature set.

From Telecom to the Future of Communications

Before cofounding Invoxia, Renouard worked with a few different telecommunication organizations. Like most in the industry, call clarity was always a key facet of what they focused on, and it’s now reflected in their work at Invoxia. In fact, their goal is to ensure their call quality is so clear that you feel as if the person you are talking to is reality in the room with you. Invoxia first launched in 2010 and with it was a product around IT phones that focused on high-end audio quality. It was their driver for research and development. “We have been quite successful with the round of product, and now have started a new round of product around connected speakers. Triby being the first of it. It’s not a change, but a reorientation, customer oriented rather than B2B,” said Renouard. Prior to Triby, the company also raised $1.93 million in a Series A round, and later received funding through the Alexa fund. Although the team was tightlipped about what’s to come, they stated there are a lot of projects in their pipeline. As of this week, Invoxia also announced the launch of Voice Bridge, a new solution that allows you to take and place landline calls from anywhere you have a phone. The organization also continues to grow, both their New York City and Paris offices, as they seek team members who share their vision.