Delegate And Manage Company Applications Better With Bitium

Bitium allows companies to house their social networks, CRMs, accounting programs, marketing tools, and other applications under one interface, with one password. It allows the user to work more effectively, individually and as a group. However, the real benefit for companies is in the ability to oversee the progress of company projects and the applications’ usage. Through Bitium, execs and managers can give customized access to these applications to their team without giving them their passwords....

January 3, 2023 · 2 min · 240 words · Edward Stillwell

Detroit Hosts Largest Inaugural Startup Week In History

Organizations such as Grow Detroit and The Build Institute are hard at work evolving the city’s startup ecosystem. Grow Detroit helps connect the city’s entrepreneurs with one another in an effort to make the city a vibrant startup hub like Boston, Chicago, or Boulder. And The Build Institute is creating tomorrow’s entrepreneurs out of the city’s unemployed and underemployed through training programs and continuing education. The fact that Detroit is hosting the very first Detroit Startup Week could be a sign that the city truly has turned a corner....

January 3, 2023 · 3 min · 534 words · Everette France

Do You Recognize Your Employees Not Doing So May Cost You

Nowadays, significant productivity gains can be made by using project management software and other efficiency-boosting tools, but improving the well-being of employees is just as important. The more businesses that adopt the five pillars of strategic recognition, the more productive the economy will be. Recognition: Key to Employee Well-Being The report, which compiled the opinions of over 12,000 employees across 12 countries, found that staff who feel “recognized” at work are up to 10 times as likely to agree they belong at their organization....

January 3, 2023 · 3 min · 449 words · Dolores Lares

Does Your Daily Schedule Resemble A Benedictine Monk S Or The Rock S

For those working (and dare I say living) the startup life, “controlled chaos” more often than not is an inherent trait of your everyday schedules. Things are constantly happening, and despite whatever things you have planned for the day, you’ve learned to expect sudden meetings with clients or a call with an investor – whatever it is, you’ve got some kind of flexible schedule worked out…right? Or maybe you’re all about that #YOLO life and just go with the flow of the day, only scheduling things when you absolutely need to…?...

January 3, 2023 · 2 min · 222 words · Brian Hernandez

Doorman Raises 1 5M For On Demand Package Delivery

As reported by TechCrunch, the funding was led by Motus Ventures (who currently serves as Doorman’s advisors), and included participation from WTI, MicroVentures, and VGO Ventures. Before raising this seed round, the company had raised $375,000 from smaller investors. Through the Doorman iOS or Android app, users of the service have an alternative to the traditional model of mail and package delivery. Instead of having packages delivered to your doorman-less apartment, you simply insert a custom Doorman address that redirects your mail or package to the company’s warehouse....

January 3, 2023 · 1 min · 164 words · Deborah Swartwood

Ethical Hacking Emerges As Unique Career Path In Cybersecurity

Unfortunately, the need for cybersecurity professionals in today’s job landscape exceeds the number of qualified individuals. According to an ISACA survey, 37 percent of companies say fewer than one in four candidates for information security positions possess the necessary qualifications. Furthermore, only 59 percent of companies receive at least five applicants per job opening. White Hat Hackers As businesses seek to protect themselves against the ever-evolving threats of the internet, a career path has emerged in the form of certified ethical hackers, also known as “white hat” hackers....

January 3, 2023 · 2 min · 377 words · Robert Zickefoose

Expect More Freelancer Representation In 2017

The Data We already reported on the biggest and most eye-catching number to come from freelancers in 2016: They pulled in a total of $1 trillion. As Louis Hyman, Associate Professor and Director of the Institute for Workplace Studies at Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations said in that survey’s press release, “The freelance workforce is the fastest-growing component of the economy.” Interestingly, the freelance workforce only grew by one million to hit 55 million in 2016, up from 54 million in 2015, but their total earnings went from around 715 billion to about one trillion....

January 3, 2023 · 2 min · 317 words · Glenda Klein

Farrago Comics Is Spotify For Comic Books

Farrago Comics is a company that is working towards benefiting comic creators and readers. Farrago is the first free-to-read app for comic books, with creators splitting revenues on full page ads. It allows readers to read for free, while creators can make money while maintaining 100% of their rights. We asked Marty Fleischmann, CEO and Cofounder, some questions about Farrago and starting up. How has failure made you a better entrepreneur?...

January 3, 2023 · 2 min · 288 words · Bobby Harrell

Frugalo Launches Daily Deal Dashboard With Social Recommendations

Frugalo leverages your Facebook graph to offer a social savings network that helps bargain-hunters consolidate deal purchases in one place, while letting them share and discover great new deals with friends. This can help save you time, directing you to one destination when you want to see the latest daily deals rather than going into email. Shoppers can manage all of their purchases, share deals with friends, be alerted when friends make purchases on limited-time offers, and discover deals that are socially curated and align with their past purchase behavior....

January 3, 2023 · 2 min · 330 words · Micheal Martinez

Giffage Invades Your Smartphone With Gifs

Now, there is yet another company entering this lot. Giffage, which claims to be the world’s best GIF keyboard, GIF maker,and GIF explorer, has recently launched for iOS, and can be downloaded for free from the App Store. While this neat app works as a keyboard, it can really do much more than that. Not only will Giffage allow users to find GIFs, but gives them the ability to share them in text messages, emails, and other places....

January 3, 2023 · 2 min · 305 words · Lindsay Erickson

Global E Waste Spiked By An Extra 2 Million Tons In 2019 Tech Co

Overall, this pile-up of discarded phones, computers, appliances, and other gadgets is estimated to have released roughly 98 million metric tons of CO2-equivalents into the atmosphere. To put that into perspective, we worked out that tallies up to 29,341,317 return flights from London to New York. UN E-Waste Report A UN-backed annual report recently carried out a worldwide comparison to analyze which countries are generating the most e-waste, revealing that Asia came out on top for the highest overall e-waste output, with 24....

January 3, 2023 · 3 min · 513 words · Walter Onstott

Gofundme Founders Agree To Massive Buyout

I’m not being dramatic either because that success actually led GoFundMe directly toward a massive buyout. It was reported by Wall Street Journal reporters Douglas MacMillian and Gillian Tan yesterday that the founders are selling. Andy Ballester and Brad Damphousse have officially decided to sell the majority stake in their company to an investor group led by Accel Partners and Technology Crossover Ventures. Some of the other investors in the group are Greylock Partners, Iconiq Capital, Meritech Capital Partners, and Stripes Group....

January 3, 2023 · 2 min · 367 words · Patrick Meador

Google Deliberately Slowed Youtube On Rival Browsers Tech Co

According to Chris Peterson and Jonathan Nightingale, Google was able to make YouTube run slowly on Firefox and Edge by not issuing a specific API to these browsers. While this may sound fairly inconsequential, it resulted in YouTube loading five times slower on Firefox than on Chrome. So, is Google deliberately slowing down its services on rival browsers? And if so, what can be done about it? — Chris Peterson (@cpeterso) July 24, 2018...

January 3, 2023 · 3 min · 500 words · Amanda Gibson

Google Experimenting With Sign Language Video Call Features Tech Co

The pandemic has made video conferencing apps an integral aspect of everyday life. With work from home policies on the rise and remote social events becoming the go-to solution for social distancing, the technology is becoming part of everyone’s new normal. This trend has made accessibility a necessity, and Google is apparently leading the charge for a more inclusive experience with these new sign language features. As you can imagine, video conferencing can be quite difficult for sign language users, as the technology uses sound to denote which speaker should be focused on....

January 3, 2023 · 2 min · 371 words · Katherine Costa

Google Goes Big On Software At Pixel 3 Launch Tech Co

It wasn’t as slick as an Apple, or even Samsung event: Some of the presenters stumbled over their lines, while timings on the product demonstration videos were out-of-kilter. Perhaps it was jet lag following the trip from Mountain View to the Big Apple. Sadly, the hardware on show couldn’t save the event. The software that powers the new devices, however, stole the show – and might just be enough to atone for Google’s lack of hardware innovation....

January 3, 2023 · 5 min · 1010 words · Lionel Record

Google Staff Share Cuts Concerns In Tense Meeting With Ceo

Many staff feel like the tech giant, which achieved record profits during Covid thanks to video conferencing software like Google Meet and other vital workplace applications, is “nickel-and-diming employees” despite having substantial cash reserves to play with. The news is the latest example of staff unrest at Google, which has historically been held up as an example of how companies should be run. “Look, I hope all of you are reading the news, externally” Pichai responded....

January 3, 2023 · 2 min · 426 words · Margaret Woods

Google Will Send You Your Ten Best Photos Each Month Tech Co

At $7.99, it won’t be the cheapest way to get photos delivered, but there’s a certain novelty on offer here from Google, and there’s a long free trial period. Photo selection won’t be totally random, and you can choose to edit the images you’ll be sent beforehand. With physical media struggling to compete with digital, could Google’s monthly photo subscription change the way we look at our snaps? What You Get with the Monthly Printing Service Printing photos is nothing new for Google....

January 3, 2023 · 5 min · 867 words · James Chao

Here Are 5 Working Methods To Finance Your Startup

At the same time, there are also plenty of ways to finance your business idea outside of traditional bank loans. To help with this process, here are some of the most common methods for raising money for your existing business or startup: CrowdFunding Gone are the days of finding yourself heavily in debt, only to then realize there was never a market for your product in the first place. Thanks to sites like Kickstarter and GoFundMe, anyone can come up with a product idea and test the markets need for it....

January 3, 2023 · 4 min · 661 words · Avis Gibson

Here Are All The Big Apple Wwdc 2019 Keynote Announcements

A new Mac Pro, available starting at a hefty $5,999, debuted along with the biggest iPad software update ever, iPadOS, and new updates that include iOS 13, macOS Catalina, and tvOS. Apple’s in the middle of a huge pivot towards subscription services, from Apple Arcade to its own credit card, making this software-centric conference even more important. Here’s the biggest and best news out from this year’s event. tvOS A redesigned home screen comes with multi-user support, ensuring everyone gets their own “up next” list, along with personalized recommendations for their next watch....

January 3, 2023 · 9 min · 1725 words · Sarah Seals

How Crowdfunding Is Finding Its Way Into Real Estate

Nowadays, we are seeing an increase in platforms providing investors with the chance to join forces and capitalize on real estate properties to diversify and enhance their investment portfolio. Not only are you able to join other investors in launching a new company and receive the benefits from those companies, now “you are also able to choose from multiple investment opportunities and gain the full return on investment targeted at the beginning of your investment process” says, Craig Cecilio, CEO at DiversyFund....

January 3, 2023 · 3 min · 623 words · Bernard Hinkle