To say that Salesforce is one of the most popular business software providers would be a staggering understatement. It’s been the number one CRM platform for five years in a run, with its market share more than double its closest competitor. Plus, with reviews regularly singing its praises, there’s no denying the brand has a firm hold on the CRM market. Now, by partnering with Microsoft, Salesforce will further establish itself as the go-to CRM for pretty much any business looking for a boost.

Why Are Salesforce and Microsoft Teaming Up?

Salesforce and Microsoft are indeed teaming up with the goal of making the CRM platform even more effective. The partnership boils down to the fact that Microsoft Azure will now be the public cloud provider for Salesforce Marketing Cloud, with additional integrations that connect Salesforce’s Sales Cloud and Service Cloud with Microsoft Teams. Effectively, this collaborative effort will optimize Salesforce Marketing Cloud’s performance, thanks to Microsoft’s robust Azure cloud hosting service. As for the other benefits of this partnership, it’s safe to say your business could seriously take advantage of the improvements.

How Can This Help Your Business?

Because so many businesses are already utilizing Salesforce CRM and Microsoft Teams platforms, this partnership will save a lot of time for a wide range of companies, by giving “sales and service users the ability to search, view and share Salesforce records directly within Teams.” Additionally, these integrations will be made available to Salesforce Sales and Service Clouds in late 2020. Some companies are already pretty excited about the deal. Considering integrations between Salesforce and Microsoft Outlook are already so popular for creating, communicating, and collaborating between users, this team up will be welcome news to the countless users of the popular CRM platform. But if your business isn’t already on board, how can you take advantage of this news today?

Finding a Great CRM

Now is the time that many businesses begin reviewing their operations and planning for the new year. If that’s the case for your company, this is the perfect time to consider investing in a software such as Salesforce. Salesforce is one of the most popular, best reviewed CRM platforms on the market that comes in at a reasonable price. However, we have to admit, not every company is going to need the full extent of Salesforce’s robust feature catalog, the endless integrations, or the helpful marketing tools. has done a whole bunch of research on CRM platforms across the industry, which means that finding one that fits your particular business’ needs should be a breeze. Just take a look at our helpful quotes tool to get some up-to-date pricing options, and you’ll be on your way to a productive, well-run business in no time. Learn more about the best CRM platforms with