The Facts

Here’s how the study, led by AI-powered job search site Paysa, explained it in their press release: Note the variety of reasons why a worker should consider leaving: Many are underpaid, yet have stayed in their position for years. For companies interested in retaining their tech workers, a number of smart fixes can prevent any future exodus. This is based on the fact that these employees may be underpaid relative to the market, have missed their promotion window, have been at their present company for the past two years, and/or are working at a company that is in serious decline. This indicates that companies would benefit from taking immediate action to more deeply engage their most important employees – either with a raise, a promotion, expanded skills and responsibilities, or even some sort of recognition.”

What to Do About It

Workers have a few options, too. But don’t take my word for it: Here’s what Paysa CEO Chris Bolte had to say to Tech.Co about the study’s implications: Bolte also spoke to me about the employer’s options:   The employee/employer relationship is just like any other relationship. It takes awareness, communication, and cultivation.”