In a recent comScore study, the user trends of the social media app were analyzed. ComScore writes: The app’s demographic is still steadily focused on millennials and isn’t deterred from the rise of adult users. However, this news does have the potential to help the social media site adapt to better attract older adult users. As comScore writes: “This has been one of the keys to Snapchat’s success: equipping users with the tools to create engaging content, which produces more content for others in the network to consume. And the more available content, the more potential it has to appeal to a broader audience with a wider array of interests. This may be one reason Snapchat is now getting meaningful traction from the 35+ crowd.” With the popularity and potential that Snapchat has to further influence digital business trends, it’s smart for businesses to utilize the social media platform to help increase success. After all – Snapchat is where consumers are flocking. Why not establish business there? Image via AdamPrzezdziek / Flickr