But the massive invasion of privacy that is modern technology has one thing working in its favor: It’s invisible to the typical person.

However, five percent of Prime-subscribing respondents would “definitely buy this product.” Given that the survey covered “a nationally representative sample of 7,566 adults,” these results are a fairly strong indicator of the disinterest in the service, which relies on a home’s smart locks to allow delivery people in or out. Since the service is a literal and physical invasion of privacy, it triggers consumers’ sense of impropriety. But as that five percent who would love the service might already know, it isn’t that huge a step up from what we already allow tech services to get away with.

What This Tells Us

The survey is clear proof that most people don’t want a service that unlocks their home to strangers. But those same people sign up for social media networks and rely on browsers or search engines that track their likes and preferences, which are then sold to advertisers. They don’t unlock their home to strangers, but they unlock their minds to strangers who can make a lot more money off of them than home invaders. I don’t really have a solution here: Let’s just hope the balance tips away from advertisers and towards subscription models, and that we can continue appealing to the better nature of tech giants like Facebook and Google. Read more about privacy in tech here at TechCo

Survey  60 Percent of U S  Consumers Wouldn t Let Amazon Key Into Their Homes - 92