Start with Israeli Sources

The best Israeli investors, from the key super-angels to incubators such as Microsoft, maintain their own relationships with a network of US investors. You can often use these as a starting point for constructing your own relationships.

Be Open to Relocation

Many US investors will want to see Israeli startup founders relocate to the US at some point in the company’s lifecycle – typically to Silicon Valley or New York. My personal preference is usually as early as possible, but it’s case by case and also depends on your market and path for growth. For B2B startups, relocation to the US is almost always an imperative.

Focus on Value

Add US investors with experience investing in Israel and the knowledge and network to assist you in breaking into the US market and investor networks. It’s quality over quantity because the community of US angels and early-stage VCs who invest in Israel is still relatively small numerically, and if you connect to a few, you can then build connections with the rest over time.

Delay the Ask, Do Your Research

There is a tendency to ask for funding almost immediately, one you should resist. Ask first: why do I want this person or entity as an investor in the company? Can they help me?

Focus on Building Relationships

Quality over quantity, and patience, are the keys here. Identify investors who you believe can be strategic thought partners and add value, then ascertain that they also have a strong network. Focus your time on building strong relationships with a few of them, rather than trying to boil the ocean by meeting every investor possible and giving them your elevator pitch. If you get an investor to put time and energy into helping you and learning about their business – and this is particularly true for early stage angels – the percentage chance they will invest in you climbs dramatically.