However, tapping into this talented workforce isn’t always easy. Millennials require brands to “keep it real” in marketing to and communicating with them, and the same is true for recruiting them. In fact, employers have started to realize that traditional hiring processes might deter millennials from even applying. So how do you attract these tech-savvy candidates? One way to increase the number of millennial applicants is challenging the status quo to modify your hiring process and offer the employee benefits they really want. Here are six ways to attract more millennials to your business.

1: Make the Employment Process More Engaging

A “social media specialist” didn’t exist ten years ago, but it’s a role businesses of all sizes and all industries need to fill to keep up with marketing in the digital landscape. This particular position is perfect for a millennial employee because millennials have grown up with social media nearly their whole lives so using the medium is second nature to them. Getting millennials to apply for the position, however, has proven difficult for many companies. Great social media candidates are in high-demand, and if your application process is clunking, these tech-savvy candidates simply won’t apply. Old Spice created an incredible recruiting campaign to increase millennial engagement for the position by inviting applicants to do social media challenges. One of the challenges was for applicants to build the best original Pinterest board about in-line speed skating. The recruitment process became a game that millennial candidates wanted to be part of, so applicant numbers increased.

2: Invest in Leadership Development Programs

According to a Deloitte Millennial Survey 2016, 44 percent of millennials would like to leave their current employers in the next two years. That means it’s crucial to prepare employees for leadership positions by creating effective development programs. Leadership programs that help map out a short and long term career plan often increase the value of employment. Not only do leadership programs provide good experience, but they also show the employee how being a part of the company is in line with a millennial’s personal career goals.

3: Provide a Clear View of Company Culture

Compensation is no longer the deciding factor for many millennial employees. Instead, millennials value transparency, company culture and the opportunity to make an impact. Attract millennials by showcasing company culture. Highlight your open floor plan that fosters teamwork at the office. Share examples of how a junior staff member or intern contributed to a company-wide decision, or how they impacted product development. Helps millennial applicants see themselves fitting in as a valued member of the company instead of a replaceable employee.

4: Define Your Purpose and Mission

Millennials won’t settle for just a paycheck and working the 9-to-5 grind.  Instead, they want to feel part of something bigger than themselves and understand how their role contributes to the greater good of the cause. Purpose-driven companies with a clear mission statement have better success recruiting millennials. These companies attract millennial candidates who are aligned with the company’s overall goals and passionate about contributing the company’s success.

5: Provide Opportunities for Growth

Millennials value growth opportunities.  They want to gain experience and be rewarded with upward mobility in the company. Employees who are growing as a person and as a valued employee are usually happier. To show millennial candidates that they can grow in the role, give specific examples of how other employees have moved up the ladder, found their niche within the company, or changed the product. Chek Wee, an HR Director experienced in millennial talent, said that they tell prospects “we are doing new things and have big dreams — come join us and make a difference.”

6: Embrace Openness and Honesty

Employer marketing is more important than ever when it comes to attracting millennial candidates, and word-of-mouth is just as important when it comes to your employees as it is with your product. With social media, word can travel fast if an employee has a negative experience. On top of that, millennials have no problem moving on if they’re unsatisfied with their current company. Making sure that candidates understand what they’re signing up for will help retain talent and attract new talent as well. According to an expert hiring guide, using an active voice to explain the details of the daily responsibilities for the position helps candidates feel like the company is being honest about the position. Hiring millennials is an essential part of company growth and the hiring process needs to evolve with the generation. Millennials thrive when they can be rewarded based on their contributions to the company rather than by tenure or seniority. Helping millennial candidates envision how the position will align with their goals and values attracts the best millennial talent to your company. Image by Startup Stock Photos