How the Workplace Is Shifting
Currently, the workplace has emphasis on workers’ abilities to incorporate human interaction with production. However, for some corporations – especially in tech and business – that human work production can leave much to be desired when it comes to precision and automation. In a study by Pew Research Center, the effects of workplace automation and the increased incorporation of bots is examined. They open the report with: In the report, it’s found that two-thirds of Americans surveyed “expect that robots and computers will do much of the work that currently done by humans within 50 years…” Along with that, 80 percent of those surveyed found their own jobs in jeopardy.
How To Prepare For the Shift
Preparing for this shift isn’t going to be easy, but there have already been hints of a change occurring within the next few years from within the industries. The increased emphasis on learning to code and other technical-based skills that will make it easier for workers to transition in a technical-emphasized economy. While it can be intimidating to find footing in increasingly shifting tech and business industries, but as long as workers can remain adaptable and use these changes to their advantage, there can still be a way to find success and survive within these coming times. Image via Pexels.